Home : : Albums : Downtempo, Leftfield : Leonardo Marques/ILHA DO CORVO... V1 LP

Leonardo Marques/ILHA DO CORVO... V1 LP

Leonardo Marques/ILHA DO CORVO... V1 LP
LEONARDO MARQUES presents ten musical gems recorded at his ILHA DO CORVO studio in Belo Horizonte, Brazil over the past few years, with music by BERNARDO BAUER, MOONS, GIOVANNI LEAO, DOUGLAS SCALIONI DOMINGUES, ARTHUR MELO, RODRIGO DAMATI, INVISIVEL, & MARQUES himself. (180g x DISK UNION)
A1: Leonardo Marques - Acordei
A2: Bernardo Bauer - Coragem
A3: Moons - Creatures of the Night
A4: Giovanni Leao - Nao se Emburreca
A5: Douglas Scalioni Domingues - Saideira
B1: Gui Hargreaves - Pra Ela
B2: Leonardo Marques - Ilha do Corvo
B3: Arthur Melo - Forca
B4: Rodrigo Damati - Bonita
B5: Invisivel - Dignity & Devotion

Catalog # 180GDULP07 1
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $34.50
Quantity Out of stock


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