Home : : Singles : Nu Disco, Balearic : Various/LET'S DANCE VOL. 4 12"

Various/LET'S DANCE VOL. 4 12"

FUNKYJAWS MUSIC presents the fourth edition of their new edits series with 4 reworks by JAMES GREENWOOD & ANIELLO, SCRUSCRU & LOS PROTOS, JKRIV, and LOVE DROP. (FUNKYJAWS MUSIC)

A1. James Greenwood & Aniello - Look of Love
A2. Scruscru & Los Protos - Corason
B1. JKriv - Moonlight Dance
B2. Love Drop - Ain't Never

Catalog # FJMEDITS04 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $22.50
Quantity Out of stock


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